More photos, lots of creatures, and a trail name

 So far Arthur has gone about 320 miles. Animals he has encountered: coyotoes howling at night but not seen, a huge jackrabbit, tons of bugs that are not mosquitoes (yay!), beetles, butterflies, big bees, little grey lizards everywhere, and garter snakes.

Thia horned lizard is adorable.

This creature is less adorable, but it was polite enough to sleep right smack in the middle of the trail where it was easily seen and then avoided.

"That's a little water cache someone set up, it had that tank and a little library of poems, and those cardboard cutouts were famous poets with some quotes from them.

Thru hikers often get trail names. Last year on his John Muir Trail hike, someone called Arthur Junior Jesus because of his age and his long hair. He went by JJ for short for the rest of that hike.

For this hike he decided to change, and this week got his new name:

"My name is Boot because a few days before big bear I dropped my boot in the creek and saw it get swept away and thought I was gonna have to hike 15 miles in flip flops. But I went back into the creek and basically bushwhacked up it and extremely luckily my boot was on a rock sitting there."


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